Another Container Site To Join
via The Life and Times of a "Renaissance Ronin" by renaissanceronin on
Greetings, My Minions of Metal!
Today, we are taking a break from all things Corten. Okay, maybe not ALL things, just SOME things… Why?
Well, because I'm getting email from people who are still confused about what a "Container House" really is.
People who have been following along (you both know who you are… thanks, sis!) know that a Shipping Container Home (also known as an ISBU Home) is built using Intermodal Steel Building Units.
I know, I know… Don't blame me. This time, I didn't do it!

That's just a pretty ridiculous name to describe something that is basically just a Solid Steel Box.

That's right… I-S-B-U.

Here's the deal;
Container houses can look like "anything."
Container Homes can look all "Mad Max Industrial."

Container Homes can look all "Golf Course Chic."
Container Homes might even look like they aren't even there.
You'd be surprised at the ability of a container to blend into it's surroundings, if you just put your mind to it.
But here's the coolest part about re purposing shipping containers for your housing project.
They'll save you m-o-n-e-y.
Container homes cost 30-45% less to build than standard stick homes. (Don't fall for that "Concept Container Home" Hype on HGTV! They don't HAVE to cost $400+ a square foot.) Container homes can be built for less than $100 a square foot, by anyone determined to build their own home, and shed at least 125 pounds of weight… like their mortgage banker.
Hey, I built a "Container Home" and I lost 255 pounds! My Mother-In-Law moved out, and refused to come back!! Talk about win-win!

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